Hello, ICP Hodlr!
This dashboard is to help you visualise the potential SNS rewards you could be earning!
This dashboard will help you keep track of the dapp rewards and neurons that are earning the most!
Start earning now!
over $ rewards have been distributed across SNS dapps in the past 24h.
How much are each SNS rewarding?
Data displayed is from March, 2024 onwards.
Follow neurons that earn the most rewards
Over $ rewards have been distributed across SNS dapps in the past 24h.
Neuron Leaderboard
  • Check rewards earned by Neuron
  • Enter a neuron ID for the corresponding SNS to check the APY earned by the neuron based on neuron configuration.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    What is an SNS?
    What are the advantages of SNS DAOs?
    In what ways can I participate in an SNS DAO?
    Do I get rewards for participating in governance?
    How can I get SNS Tokens?
    What is voting power and how do I get it?
    What is neuron following?
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